Parish Councillor Vacancy (VACANCY NOW FILLED)

13th of August, 2024



Our next meeting is 9th December.  If you are interested please email me by 1st December with any questions.  The role can be fulfilling and helps contribute to the quality of our local community.  There are 10 formal evening meetings per year but it is recognised not all Councillors an attend every meeting.


The Role Description is as follows:



Hoghton Parish Councillor


Responsible to:

All people resident within the Parish (population of just over 800 and 350 households)


Regular liaison with:

Other councillors, local authorities, residents


Period of service:

Four years with possible extension.



This is a voluntary position with some expenses able to be paid in certain cases.


Main purpose:

Representing the views of all residents within your parish.


Secondary purpose:

As part of a local council you will have responsibility for running local services which may include: open spaces, community gardens, environmental schemes and campaigns, and potentially much more.

Deciding on how much to raise through the council tax ‘Parish Precept’ (currently £12,000 per year but due to increase) in order to deliver your council’s services.

Influencing and shaping the long term development policy for the parish, and as part of the planning process, comment on planning applications in the parish.

Improve the quality of life and the environment in their local area.

Working to identify issues which are important to the lives of the residents you represent.

Working to bring about improvements through local projects, lobbying other service providers and working in partnership with other parishes and agencies.