Lancs County Council Mobile Library Additional Service for Hoghton

16th of January, 2024

Hoghton Parish Councillor Julie Caton has spoken with Jules from the Mobile Library Service and he has confirmed the following additional service for the benefit of Hoghton residents -   He will be presen...

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Speed Indicator Device for Hoghton Lane and Blackburn Old Road

16th of January, 2024

Hoghton Parish Council have purchased a Speed Indicator Device (SpID) that we intend tomerect onto a new pole close to the Hoghton / Chorley road sign on Hoghton Lane.  This will be on the side facing traffic moving from Preston towards Black...

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Christmas Trees 2023

2nd of October, 2023

Please note all tickets for the event have now been allocated.  Tickets are needed for refreshments.   The Official Supplier of Christmas trees to Hoghton Parish Council,  Duncan McDonald from Goosefoot Christmas...

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Tony Harkness, Clerk to the Council (since 2006) dies

2nd of March, 2023

The Parish Council sadly report that Tony Harkness our Clerk to the Council since 2006 died at 10pm last night. RIP Tony and thank you from Hoghton Parish Council

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Environmental issues and concerns

2nd of March, 2023

HOGHTON BOTTOMS - CLEAN UP: A Member of the Parish Council agreed to organise the Annual Clean Up of Hoghton Bottoms in April 2023. Further details would be published by the Parish Council nearer the time. HIMALAYAN BALSAM:...

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